I disagree with the statement "men are suppose to constantly agree with and not question any and all logic". The man you describe above is one without "balls", one without grit, just weak! The way a pick mes woman decides to dress or carry herself is a matter of choice! The man that chooses to be with her--is a matter of choice! It is NOT a rebellious act against patriarchal men. You make a valid point about most men wanting a modest woman but the fact is they are bombarded daily with images of nakedness and the majority of them start to believe that this is the type of woman they have to have. But this is just an illusion. It's lust simply put. The question therefore becomes although there are a lot of pick mes running rampantly, what man is willing to to look pass the tip of the iceberg and go beyond the surface? What man is willing to go beyond appearances? What man is strong enough to fight modern day ideals of women being reduce to ass & tits? Many! Can't take away from the men & women choosing substance, building, honoring, & marrying! So yeah, there is a lot of pick mes but many are choosing love as revolutionary as it seems these days. All that other stuff is either an excuse or choice.