One of the hardest things about planning a date on Valentine’s day is figuring out a place that’s not going to be JAM PACKED. Everybody buys into the day and pushes the issue of going out “showing” their love. (Don’t worry I’m lumped right into that massive group of people.) Every year I try to think of something other than typical restaurants and cliché dates where we may have a chance of getting in and out in a decent hour. Since I’m not selfish, I’ll share the wealth and give you a list of 8 of the best Valentine’s day date spots that WON’T be crowded.
Before you start throwing tomatoes, hear me out. Some churches host Valentine’s day dinners and events for couples. My church did it one year and it was actually really romantic. They took the greatest care decorating and choosing the food to make sure it would be a special day for the couples. Super cute! If you’re active in the church anyway, it won’t be weird to throw the idea out there or attend the shindig if it already exists.
I’ve had a love affair with books since I was a child and how romantic would it be to incorporate that into a Valentine’s day date. Imagine finding a good poetry book and reading romantic poems to each other quietly in the corner of the library. *swoons* Is it just me? If planned right, this could be an AMAZING date.
Pick-up Truck
What’s better than a star gazing picnic on the back of a pick-up truck? (don’t answer) This is just plain ol’ romantic! Make sure you have extra thick blankets/pillows for cushion and maybe some battery powered candles for ambiance. Don’t forget good food and wine glasses (even if you’re only drinking sparkling grape juice). Park somewhere secluded with a good view of the stars to make the most of the moment. With good planning, this could be a super cute date!
Personalized Tour
I’ve experienced some of the coolest tour guides, but who better than you to give a personalized tour of your city or wherever you want your partner to see. Make sure it has a theme and have fun! You can tour places that the two of you have visited on dates, where you’d like to take him/her on a date, and if you’re really bold, where you’d want to live after you’re married (or something of the sort).
Indoor Rock Climbing/Sky Diving
This may be hit or miss because while they are not typical Valentine’s day spots, they are pretty high on the date suggestion list. The best thing to do is call and/or check out the scene at the facility before fully committing. Make sure you have a back-up plan for this one in case everybody is thinking alike.
Bike Trails
Weather permitting, this can be a unique date. Find a nice trail and set out on a biking adventure with your bae. If you want to go for extra credit points, ride the trail before your actual date and “plant” some gifts or surprises along the way.
Maybe this isn’t the way you thought of being alone on the water with your boo, but it could be pretty fun! I’m sure the kayak rental place won’t be crawling with love birds trying to profess their love.
Art District Walk
Art has an effortless romantic flair to it. Walking an art district could be the thing that sparks the interesting conversation you didn’t know the two of you needed. Let the sculptures and paintings inspire good conversation as you get a little bit of exercise.
There you have it! 8 of the best lowkey places that won’t be crawling with anxious couples. (Depending on how popular this list gets, we may have to create a new one in a few years.) For now, these spots are low-key and affordable. Enjoy your date and happy Valentine’s day.