Since I'm bored at work I guess I'll write a little something. I need a free entry for this $50 for all my posts and not just one. Anyways I figure I'll confess about a time when I was super petty lol. This chick I use to be cool with came to me talking about how the dude I was feeling at the time was trying to get with her. Now me and the girl wasn't homegirls or tight like that. We just went to the club a few times together with some of my other homegirls. I didn't really know why she came at me with the news but the petty inside me couldn't resist. I made up this whole story about how me and the dude had been in a on and off relationship and he wasn't shit and he was gonna lie about . I know I ain't shit for it so later I told her the truth. It was like a few months later and this chick was tight with me saying I wouldn't never be happy. I honestly think the bitch cursed me cause I'm sitting here trying to get my life together to this day and this was 3 years ago lol! I'm for real tryin to be a better person tho.
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