One thing I often hear from women is that all the guys they like seem to be ugly, broke, or kind of a bitch. well, the answer to that is pretty simple, but a lot of you aren't gonna like it. See, there are three things that ultimately decide if a man is attractive: Looks, Financial stability and personality. lack in any of these departments as a man, and you quite literally have to have a Daredevils' hearing over sight level advantage over that area.
looks is one of those tricky things that standards are affected by a few variables. In my case its where I grew up and the reality that as time goes on, a womans' looks can lower in quality as time goes on. fact is, you probably won't ever see your beauty in its prime again outside of photos or in a weird way if you have kids. for men, to grow up "ugly" as I said elsewhere is one of those things where you quickly realize that your gonna have to develop in other departments. fact is, some of the best looking dudes back when I was younger rarely if ever keep getting women into their later years. like, take 10 guys who in high school were swimming in vagina, at most only 2 are still doing that still in their 20s.
For the rest of us, we either have to learn to be charming or funny (Personality) or just get a stable career and hope for the best (financial stability) keep in mind, I've learned the hard way that they're really are some women who will chase down attractive man regardless of whether or not he's interesting or can even afford a real date for them. this is why if you go to a place like San Francisco I would't be shocked to know that a IT guy who works for google who might be kind of short but dresses well can't get a date but the broke hipster "artist" who only has abs because his lack of job (thus giving him more time to exercise) and surprising ability to afford healthy foods is just swimming in women. fact is these kinds of guys won't fall out of favor till you reach your 30s, so yeah.
Fact is ladies, the reason that the guys that keep showing up to offer their undying love also happen to be less than an adonis is because for the rest of us, we know that guy who can get women just off sex appeal is just reality. we hate it, but it makes sense as men will pursue women who are mighty boring and can't cook or take care of a child to the ends of the earth. whats worse, many women will justify lacking in these departments by way of feminism, but will expect men to pick up the slack where they refuse to go.
You ask "well where are the men who are proficient in all three areas?" those are the George Clooneys of the world: men who quite literally won't stop fucking till the day their dicks stop working properly. In some rare cases, you have women who fall under this too, but but tends to be rare specimens like Jerry Hall and Christie Brinkley. but you asking why them? well, no amount of social justice can change the fact that, regardless of age, women are turned on by a successful and attractive man, and men are just attracted to an attractive woman. seriously, Jerry Hall is 60, Christie Brinkley is 63, Iman is 61, Sade Adu is 58, and Tina Turner is 77 years old. I'm certain men my age if offered sex from any of them wouldn't say no.
Fact is ladies, if you want a man that is good to you, know he'll lack in something. he'll either be good looking, broke and charming or rich, charming but ugly. just know what you can go without as frankly to ask for the full package is a recipe for disaster.
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